J Korean Med Assoc Search


J Korean Med Assoc > Volume 52(2); 2009 > Article
Bae: New Medical Drugs for Care of Premature Infants


Several advances in premature and neonatal care, such as, development in new drugs and equipments, and improvement of medical skills, have also undoubtedly contributed to the reductions in morbidity and mortality of premature infants during last several decades in Korea. This review was conducted for focusing the development of new medical drug therapy and its clinical application and outcomes for preterm. The details of the artificial pulmonary surfactant replacement therapy for respiratory distress syndrome, indomethacin for patent ductus arteriosus, inhaled nitric oxide therapy for persistent pulmonary hypertension, total parenteral nutrition, and drugs for neonatal resuscitation program were reviewed in this paper.


1. Bae CW. The changes in the birth and mortality rates of newborn in Korea. J Korean Med Assoc 2006;49:975-978.

2. Manual of neonatal intensive care 2008;2nd ed. The Korean Society of Neonatology.

3. Bae CW, Han WH. Surfactant therapy for neonatal respiratory distress syndrome: A review of Korean experiences over 17 years. Korean J Med Sci 2009;(in press).

4. Bae YM, Bae CW. The changes in the mortality rates of low birth weight infant and very low birth weight infant in Korea over the past 40 years. J Korean Med Sci 2004;19:27-31.

5. Kim KS, Bae CW. Trends in survival rate for very low birth weight infants and extremely low birth weight infants in Korea, 1967-2007. Korean J Pediatr 2008;51:237-242.

Figure 1
Changes in respiratory distress syndrome mortality rates over the past 17years among those that received pulmonary surfactant replacement therapy in Korea. Mortality rates were found to have reduced dramatically, that is, from 40%, 30%, 18.7%, to 14.3% in Groups I (1990/1), II (1996), III (2002), and IV (2007), respectively.
Figure 2
Changes of mortality in 5-yr interval of low birth weight infant (LBWI) and very low birth weight infant (VLBWI) in Korea. (A) first half of the decade, (B) second half of the decade.
Figure 3
Trends in the survival rates for very low birth weight infants (VLBWI) and extremely low birth weight infants (ELBWI) in Korea. (A) first half of the decade, (B) second half of the decade.
Table 1
Preparations of artificial pulmonary surfactant clinically available in Korea

*Lipid extracts of bovine lung mince+DPPC, PG, PA (containing surfactant proteins-B and -C)

**Mixture of phospholipid (not contained surfactant proteins-B and-C)

***Chloroform/methanol extracts of porcine lung mince, purified by liquid gel electrophoresis (also containing surfactant proteins-B and-C).

Table 2
Data collection for this multi - center study on the clinical use of surfactant therapy in neonatal respiratory distress syndrome in Korea
Table 3
Indomethacin dose in treatment of symtomatic neonatal patent ductus arteriosus
Table 4
Drugs for neonatal resuscitation

Do not use of atropine, calcium

*Dopamine IV infusion rate=6 × wt (kg) × desired dose (µg/kg/min)/mg drug per 100 mL IV fluid


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