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J Korean Med Assoc > Volume 62(2); 2019 > Article
Kim and Lee: Neurobiological understanding of suicide


Suicide is a complex phenomenon resulting from interactions between individual vulnerabilities and socio-environmental factors. The current review primarily focuses on research into the serotonin system, hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis, neurotrophic factors, lipid metabolism, and functional neuroimaging studies. It has been found that dysfunctions in the serotonin system, hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis abnormalities, and low brain-derived neurotrophic factor and cholesterol levels may be linked to suicide. Additionally, recent neuroimaging studies have suggested that structural and functional abnormalities in brain areas related to cognitive and emotional regulation may be associated with suicide. More research incorporating advanced methodological approaches may shed further light on the neurobiological basis of suicide.


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82. Olie E, Jollant F, Deverdun J, de Champfleur NM, Cyprien F, Le Bars E, Mura T, Bonafe A, Courtet P. The experience of social exclusion in women with a history of suicidal acts: a neuroimaging study. Sci Rep 2017;7:89.
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