The Characteristics of Childhood Injuries Compared to Adult Injuries

Article information

J Korean Med Assoc. 2008;51(3):214-218
Publication date (electronic) : 2008 March 31
doi :
Department of Pediatric Surgery, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Korea.


Children are in their course of growth and development, and this is the most important feature in understanding childhood injuries, which is somewhat different from those in adults. Injury is different from accident in that the latter cannot be expected and prevented, and also different from trauma that means the external forces on the body and the response against the force. Injury can be expected scientifically and prevented. The risk of injuries in children is closely related to the age, sex, socio-economical status, and environment. Injuries are always the most common cause of death in children throughout the world, and traffic accident is the most common cause of childhood injuries. Burn, near drowning, and fall down occupy most of the causes of injuries in infancy, and pedestrian injuries and traffic accidents are the major causes of injuries in pre-school ages. Suicide becomes an important cause of injuries in adolescents. Sexual abuse should be considered seriously in children with perineal injuries without definite causes. All of these childhood injuries are closely related to the status of growth and development of children.


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Table 1

Causes of death by injuries of Korean children and adolescent in 2004

Table 1

Table 2

The motor development by age and related injuries in children

Table 2

*traffic accident