Causes and Diagnoses of Cervical Cancer

Article information

J Korean Med Assoc. 2007;50(9):769-777
Publication date (electronic) : 2007 September 30
doi :
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Korea.


Cervical cancer is the second most common malignant neoplasm affecting women worldwide, with a high rate of mortality throughout the world. Epidemiologic, biologic, and genetic data have identified a consistent association of human papillomavirus (HPV) infection with the development of cervical cancer. Minor causes of cervical cancer include oral contraceptives, obstetrical history, sexually transmitted disease, smoking, nutrition, immunosuppression state, and unexplained factors. For the screening and diagnosis of cervical carcinoma, Papanicolaou cytologic test (Pap test), liquid-based cytologic test, colposcopy, cervicography, and HPV DNA test are clinically useful diagnostic procedures. Liquid-based cytologic test, HPV DNA test, and cervicography can be used additionally to decrease the false negative rate of conventional Pap test.


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Figure 1

Correlation between cancer and risk factors.

Figure 2

The Pap test.

Figure 3

Colposcopic findings of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia and cervical cancer.

A) aceto-white epithelium, B) punctuation, C) mosaic, D) atypical vessels.

Table 1

Classification of HPV according to tissue tropism

Table 1

HPV; human papillomavirus, SCC; squamous cell carcinoma

Table 2

Target of HPV oncogene

Table 2

Rb; retinoblastoma, TNF; tumor necrosis factor, IRF; interferon regulatory factor, CBP; CREB binding protein, E6-BP; E6 binding protein