Vitamins for Elderly People

Article information

J Korean Med Assoc. 2005;48(5):481-488
Publication date (electronic) : 2005 May 31
doi :
Department of Family Medicine, Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine, Samsung Cheil Hospital & Woman's Healthcare Center, Korea.


With the number of persons over 60 years of age increasing at a rapid rate, chronic diseases threaten to cause suffering and disability for an increasing segment of the population while bankrupting health-care systems with the costs of therapeutic and custodial care for the elderly. The dietary intakes of more than 50% of the elderly people did not meet 75% of the estimated average requirements for vitamin A, riboflavin, vitamin C, calcium and iron in Korea. Low dietary intakes of vitamins have been associated with higher risks of diseases in elderly people. Vitamins and minerals are well known essential nutrients for proper metabolism. Causes of lack of data in Korea, we should make some more precise recommendations for vitamins for aging people. Healthy habit such as regular exercise, balanced diet & avoidance of stresses are important way to maintain good health in elderly. But, micronutrients especially vitamins are one of essential nutrients for good health. So, Frail elderly people need to have well balanced diet for those micronutrients.


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