Status of Vivax Malaria in the Republic of Korea

Article information

J Korean Med Assoc. 2004;47(6):521-526
Publication date (electronic) : 2004 June 30
doi :
Department of Microbiology, Gachon Medical School, Korea.


Vivax malaria reemerged in the Republic of Korea in 1993. The number of cases of vivax malaria had increased annually until 2000; however, it has decreased constantly since 2001. During the early years after the reemergence, most of the cases occurred among soldiers especially in the region adjacent to the Demilitarized Zone until 1995 ; however, since 2001, civilian cases have accounted for approximately a half of total cases, also occurring in the neighbor counties of Seoul. Local transmission within the Republic of Korea was already done before the year of 2000. The current status of vivax malaria appears to be in a subsiding phase; however, continuous attentions are needed to prevent further spreading of malaria.


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