Article information
J Korean Med Assoc 2021 April; 64(4):296-302
Published online: April 20, 2021
This erratum is being published to correct a description on page 297 and the reference number 7 of the article entitled “Diagnosis and treatment of patients with heat-related illness” by Ji Ho Ryu, Mun Ki Min in J Korean Med Assoc 2021;64(4):296-302. DOI: 10.5124/jkma.2021.64.4.296.
Before correction
1) 297쪽 좌단 8열: 온도가 20℃에서 1℃ 오를 때마다 온열질환의 발생률은 11%로 증가하게 되고[7],
2) 301쪽 References 7번. Abdelmoety DA, El-Bakri NK, Almowalld WO, Turkistani ZA, Bugis BH, Baseif EA, Melbari MH, AlHarbi K, AbuShaheen A. Characteristics of heat illness during Hajj: a crossectional study. Biomed Res Int 2018;2018:5629474.
After correction
1) 온도가 20℃에서 1℃ 오를 때 의학적 치료가 필요한 환자수는 11% 증가되고[7],
2) 참고문헌 7번을 다음 논문으로 대체합니다. Kman NE, Russell GB, Bozeman WP, Ehrman K, Winslow J. Derivation of a formula to predict patient volume based on temperature at college football games. Prehosp Emerg Care 2007;11:453-457.