Prospects on the increase of radiological examinations in Korea
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Due to technological advances and the establishment of evidence-based medicine, radiological examinations are playing a crucial role in modern medicine, as a result of which they have been steadily increasing, and the rate of increase has intensified in the 2000s. Although this is a global phenomenon, the increase of radiological examinations in Korea is also high due to the introduction of the National Health Insurance Coverage Expansion Policy, so-called Moon Jae-in Care, for ultrasonography and magnetic resonance imaging. For accurate and rapid diagnosis of diseases, it is necessary for doctors to order appropriate radiological studies. However, the increase in radiological examination has created many problems, such as increased medical costs, decreased diagnostic accuracy due to radiologist burnout, and increased patient exposure to radiation. To reduce unnecessary imaging studies, a number of measures could be deployed including the development of clinical guidelines to select appropriate radiological examinations for each clinical situation.