Treatment of Dyslipidmia

Article information

J Korean Med Assoc. 2010;53(3):204-207
Publication date (electronic) : 2010 March 31
doi :
Division of Cardiology, Department of Internal Medicine, Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine, Korea.


Treatment of dyslipidemia is apparently one of the most important measures for prevention of atherosclerotic cardiovascular diseases. Recent trend reflecting several study results after publication of the ATP-III guideline in 2001 recommends more aggressive target LDL goals in very high risk patients. On the other hand, public health approaches, such as life style modification, to low risk group should not be neglected for primary prevention to avoid life-long medication in undesirably large number of people. Intensity of the treatment must be adjusted after a careful consideration of each patient's global risk, not just by lipid level alone. More attention to dyslipidemia management is needed for both clinical and public health perspectives.


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