Seizure Disorders Mimicking Epilepsy

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J Korean Med Assoc. 2002;45(2):176-190
Publication date (electronic) : 2016 August 09
doi :


Distinguishing epileptic seizure from non-epileptic seizure is a common diagnostic problem. Neurogenic or cardiac syncope can appear similar to atonic and even convulsive seizures. Classic migraine and transient ischemic attacks may also resemble epileptic seizures. Sleep disorders including REM sleep behavior disorder, nocturnal paroxysmal dystonia, and narcolepsy likewise simulate an epileptic seizure. Movement disorders such as paroxysmal dyskinesia can be misinterpreted as epileptic seizures (reflex epilepsy or myoclonic seizures).

Psychogenic seizures are often misdiagnosed as an intractable epilepsy. Prior to the definitive diagnosis of epilepsy, possible non-epileptic seizures should be excluded. For the correct decision, a thorough and systematic history taking is important. In addition, EEG, pseudoseizure induction test, head-up tilt test, EKG, sleep studies, and video-EEG monitoring may be necessary. Misdiagnosis of non-epileptic seizures as epilepsy may result in unnecessary anti-epileptic drug use. At the same time, we should let the patients understand what the epilepsy is and that epilepsy is a treatable disease.

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