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J Korean Med Assoc > Volume 67(6); 2024 > Article
J Korean Med Assoc 2020 December; 63(12):789-797
Published online: December 10, 2020
This erratum is being published to correct a description on page 794-795 of the article entitled, “Assessment of the reasonable number of physicians in Korea” by Young In Oh, Jung Chan Lee, and Jeong Hun Park in J Korean Med Assoc 2020;63(12):789-797. DOI: 10.5124/jkma.2020.63.12.789

Before correction

1) Table 2. The supply and demand forecasting of practising physicians
Year Supply
Forecasting of practising physicians (A) Scenario 1a)
Scenario 2b)
Scenario 3c)
Scenario 4d)
Forecasting of practising physicians (B) (A)-(B) Forecasting of practising physicians (C) (A)-(C) Forecasting of practising physicians (D) (A)-(D) Forecasting of practising physicians (E) (A)-(E)
2021 132,389 128,919 3,470 122,780 9,609 133,974 - 1,585 127,595 10,594
2022 134,932 130,876 4,056 124,644 10,288 136,009 - 1,076 123,644 11,288
2023 137,462 132,950 4,511 126,619 10,842 138,164 - 702 125,604 11,858
2024 139,976 135,007 4,970 128,578 11,399 140,301 - 325 127,546 12,430
2025 142,477 137,295 5,182 130,757 11,720 142,679 - 202 1,297,089 12,769
2026 144,963 139,512 5,451 132,869 12,094 144,983 - 20 131,803 13,160
2027 147,435 141,812 5,623 135,059 12,376 147,374 61 133,976 13,459
2028 149,893 144,202 5,691 137,335 12,558 149,857 36 136,234 13,659
2029 152,337 146,456 5,881 139,482 12,855 152,200 137 138,363 13,973
2030 154,767 148,863 5,904 141,774 12,993 154,700 66 140,637 14,130
2031 157,183 151,137 6,047 143,940 13,243 157,063 120 142,785 14,398
2032 159,586 153,353 6,233 146,050 13,535 159,367 219 144,879 14,707
2033 161,974 155,555 6,420 148,147 13,827 161,655 319 146,959 15.015
2034 164,350 157,597 6,752 150,093 14,257 163,778 572 148,889 15,461
2035 166,711 159,668 7,043 152,065 14,646 165,930 781 158,845 15,866

a) Physicians’ productivity, 32.17; No. of working days, 265.

b) Physicians’ productivity, 33.78; No. of working days, 265.

c) Physicians’ productivity, 32.17; No. of working days, 255.

d) Physicians’ productivity, 33.78; No. of working days, 255.

2) 795쪽 왼쪽 아래에서 6번째 줄: “의사 생산성이 2018년에 비해 5% 향상되고 근무일수는 255일로 가정한 시나리오 4의 경우, 필요(수요) 활동의사 수는 2025년 129,708명, 2030년에 140,637명, 2035년에 150,845명으로 추계되어 2025년에 12,769명, 2030년 14,130명, 2035년 15,866명의 의사인력 공급의 과잉이 예측되었다.”

After correction

1) Table 2. The supply and demand forecasting of practicing physicians
Year Supply
Forecasting of practicing physicians (A) Scenario 1a)
Scenario 2b)
Scenario 3c)
Scenario 4d)
Forecasting of practising physicians (B) (A)-(B) Forecasting of practising physicians (C) (A)-(C) Forecasting of practising physicians (D) (A)-(D) Forecasting of practising physicians (E) (A)-(E)
2021 132,389 128,919 3,470 122,780 9,609 133,974 - 1,585 121,795 4,794
2022 134,932 130,876 4,056 124,644 10,288 136,009 - 1,076 129,532 5,400
2023 137,462 132,950 4,511 126,619 10,842 138,164 - 702 131,585 5,877
2024 139,976 135,007 4,970 128,578 11,399 140,301 - 325 133,620 6,356
2025 142,477 137,295 5,182 130,757 11,720 142,679 - 202 129,708 6,592
2026 144,963 139,512 5,451 132,869 12,094 144,983 - 20 138,079 6,884
2027 147,435 141,812 5,623 135,059 12,376 147,374 61 140,356 7,079
2028 149,893 144,202 5,691 137,335 12,558 149,857 36 142,721 7,172
2029 152,337 146,456 5,881 139,482 12,855 152,200 137 144,952 7,385
2030 154,767 148,863 5,904 141,774 12,993 154,700 66 147,334 7,433
2031 157,183 151,137 6,047 143,940 13,243 157,063 120 149,584 7,599
2032 159,586 153,353 6,233 146,050 13,535 159,367 219 151,778 7,808
2033 161,974 155,555 6,420 148,147 13,827 161,655 319 153,957 8,017
2034 164,350 157,597 6,752 150,093 14,257 163,778 572 155,979 8,371
2035 166,711 159,668 7,043 152,065 14,646 165,930 781 150,845 8,683

a) Physicians’ productivity, 32.17; No. of working days, 265.

b) Physicians’ productivity, 33.78; No. of working days, 265.

c) Physicians’ productivity, 32.17; No. of working days, 255.

d) Physicians’ productivity, 33.78; No. of working days, 255.

2) 795쪽 왼쪽 아래에서 6번째 줄: “의사 생산성이 2018년에 비해 5% 향상되고 근무일수는 255일로 가정한 시나리오 4의 경우, 필요(수요) 활동의사 수는 2025년 135,885명, 2030년에 147,334명, 2035년에 158,028명으로 추계되어 2025년에 6,592명, 2030년 7,433명, 2035년 8,683명의 의사인력 공급의 과잉이 예측되었다.”


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